DOC NYC – U: Columbia

Thursday, November 11 at 3:45 PM

Location: Cinepolis Chelsea

Check out two films from alums from the 2020 Documentary class as they screen their films at the historic documentary festival, DOC NYC on November 11 at 3:45 PM at Cinépolis Chelsea. The first film, It Takes a Circus by Sarah D. Collins and Zoe Ramushu follows two teens as they dream of escaping the violence that marred their young lives. Their possible ticket out is the after-school program, Trenton Circus Squad. The second film, The Militiaman by David Peter Hansen follows the leader of a local militia who must prepare his men for the turbulent political landscape of 2020 while at war with his own conscience. 

Tickets are $12 and the program is one hour long, followed by a Q&A with the filmmakers.