General Meeting Notes:
- The president and Vice President met with the Deans on Monday
- Messages and general takeaways from the meeting:
- Less speakers events in the future and more intimate events
- New access to another student newsroom 24/7 (room 107a)
- In the spring, rooms 607a and 601c will be available for students
- In the works of creating a relaxing space for students
- This is set to happen in the spring (hopefully!)
- Raised the issue of students getting published on CNS
- There needs to be more clarification and transparency around this process – students unable to get works published
- How do we prioritize publishing? (news timeliness, international student stories, etc.)
- Some people have been published multiple times, and others have not been published at all
- Finding space for lockers for video equipment
- Deans want SPJ to figure out how to book these?
- Trying to set up a Google Calendar with CJS events, SPJ events, and affinity group events to avoid event overload
- From the university senator:
- University Senate met on Friday:
- Efforts to open the campus again for visitors
- Some worries about opening access surrounding election day
- Trying to find initiatives to include the surrounding community more
- Proposal to change the senate’s bylaws
- Efforts to open the campus again for visitors
- University Senate met on Friday:
Academic Affairs Chair:
The academic affairs committee is run by Megha Gupta. Megha can be reached at
- Speakers event with Women in Media about abortion
- Everything set up – Dart Center co-sponsoring
- Food will be provided
- RSVP will be required
- In contact with 8 speakers already
- The event will most likely occur after Thanksgiving
- A shared folder with academic resources for students is complete
- Pending review by the SPJ board, it will then be ready to be shared with students
- Social media use for journalism noon block workshop will happen in the spring
- In contact with some professors about freelancing noon block workshop
Student Life Chair:
The student life committee is run by Laïny Jernidier. Laïny can be reached at
- In the process of getting snacks and decor for the Halloween movie night event on Thursday
- Color for a cause – Tuesday
- Taking pictures of students wearing pink to use on social media
- Working on mental health services in association with Ask Alice
- Working on peer support groups
- Working on a yoga event for students
- This will either take place in room 607b or Dodge Fitness
- Trying to make this free for students
Speaker’s Director:
The speaker’s committee is run by Reeno Hashimoto. Reeno can be reached at
- Speakers event this week on Wednesday!
- Upcoming panel on fashion
- Upcoming panel on sports
Film/Documentary Chair:
The film/documentary committee is run by Mason Leath. Mason can be reached at
- First screening happening either before or after Thanksgiving
- More events in the works!
Community Service Chair:
The community service committee is run by Augostina Mallous. Augostina can be reached at
- Community service event will take place next Wednesday, November 6th, and the following Wednesday, November 13th
- awaiting confirmation from the coordinator
- In the process of getting in contact with schools about student newspaper support in local high schools