Week of November 4

General Meeting Notes:

  • Trying to figure out the role of SPJ as an SPJ chapter and student government hybrid

Academic Affairs Chair:

The academic affairs committee is run by Megha Gupta. Megha can be reached at mg4771@columbia.edu.
  • Coffee and Conversation list of professors and calendar will be sent out November 12
  • Google Drive of academic resources will be published to the website soon
  • Upcoming panel event either on 11/25 or 12/5
  • Digital noon block workshop in the works
    • How to get leads from social media
    • How to promote our work on social media

Student Life Chair:

The student life committee is run by Laïny Jernidier. Laïny can be reached at lainy.jernidier@columbia.edu.
  • Mental health programming is main priority now
    • Programming ready from Ask Alice, just trying to gain interest
    • Massages and dog visits coming in November and December
    • Trying to coordinate a free yoga session for students

Speaker’s Director:

The speaker’s committee is run by Reeno Hashimoto. Reeno can be reached at rh2984@columbia.edu.
  • Reaching out to Wall Street Journal Sports for a potential sports panel in February
  • Fashion panel being coordinated for some time in December
    • Eva Chen from Instagram, Lane Florsheim from the WSJ, Vanessa Freidman from the NYT, and Katy from FT

Film/Documentary Chair:

The film/documentary committee is run by Mason Leath. Mason can be reached at mpl2159@columbia.edu.
  • Coordinating film screening with Women in Media
  • Two upcoming screenings:
    • November 21: TBD
    • December 12: Stripped for Parts
  • In the process of creating posters for these events to send to students

Community Service Chair:

The community service committee is run by Augostina Mallous. Augostina can be reached at am6521@columbia.edu.
  • Community service event will take place next Thursday, November 14
    • Morning session from 11:30 to 3:30
    • Afternoon session from 3:00 to 6:30
  • In the process of getting in contact with schools about student newspaper support in local high schools