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Local Journalism and Media Policy: Lessons from Overseas

Thursday, November 18, 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Location: Online Event

“What role can (and should) media policy play in supporting a strong, sustainable, vibrant local media sector in the United States?”
Part two in a five part series.

COVID-19 has had a profound impact on the U.S. news industry, especially at the local level, accelerating trend lines evident since the early 2000s. Yet our information needs, and the future of journalism, remain reliant on a sustainable local media ecosystem. As a result, our need for new thinking to ensure local journalism’s future is more important than ever.

This series will explore the role that media policy has historically played in supporting – and shaping – local news, how it can be leveraged to ensure access to information (including tackling digital divides), it’s contribution to facilitating community media, and what role it can play in encouraging new ownership and revenue models.

Discussing whether existing regulatory frameworks are fit for purpose, given changing media habits, new platforms and the ease of creating digital content, our expert panels will examine the instruments that policymakers at a state and federal level have in their arsenal, and which ones they should deploy.Register Here

Questions? Please contact Hana Joy,