Lipman Center Dialogues

Wednesday, October 27, 2:30 PM 

Registration Link:

Founded in 2017, the Ira A. Lipman Center at Columbia University supports, funds and produces journalism focused on civil and human rights. Our objective is to further journalism’s capacity to diminish human inequality by shedding light upon the ways in which it is perpetuated. The Lipman Dialogues are part of that mission. They are succinct, timely discussions with people at the center of issues relating to civil and human rights. Each dialogue focuses upon a single issue and a single journalist, activist, political figure or changemaker connected to it. We hope that by presenting these dialogues we will equip our views not only with an understanding of the urgent issues confronting us but also what can be done to address them.

Our first guest is Kathy Gannon, AP’s news director for Afghanistan and Pakistan, who was the only Westerner allowed into Kabul by the Taliban in the weeks before the U.S. invasion. She was seriously wounded, and watched her photographer die, in an attack while covering elections in Afghanistan. She has written about human rights and rights for women in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Please note this event is only open to the CJS community.

Questions? Please contact Dolores Barclay,