Week of October 7

General Meeting Notes:

  • Only able to use floors 3 and below for events
    • Specifically, the student center is the main place for events
  • $500 clean-up fee for use of the lecture hall and the world room
    • Additional fees could apply if chairs are moved

Academic Affairs Chair:

The academic affairs committee is run by Megha Gupta. Megha can be reached at mg4771@columbia.edu.
  • We will be discussing interview booths and lockers with Dean Tu
    • Trying to come up with a concrete plan for this (budget)
  • Committee met:
    • Reached out to Dean Miller about a social media-focused noon block workshop
    • Putting together a shared drive folder for students with academic resources

Student Life Chair:

The student life committee is run by Laïny Jernidier. Laïny can be reached at lainy.jernidier@columbia.edu.
  • Halloween event plan coming!

Speaker’s Director:

The speaker’s committee is run by Reeno Hashimoto. Reeno can be reached at rh2984@columbia.edu.
  • Had first committee meeting last week
  • Sent out ideas to committee members for feedback and help coordinating speakers
    • Emphasis on sports panel, environmental panel, and arts and culture panel
  • Organizing a discussion with a National Geographic reporter
    • October 30–Tentative

Film/Documentary Chair:

The film/documentary committee is run by Mason Leath. Mason can be reached at mpl2159@columbia.edu.
  • Committee has not met yet
  • Trying to get in touch with members and doc students
    • Looking at film and doc screenings around NYC
    • Coordinating a group to attend – possibly

Community Service Chair:

The community service committee is run by Augostina Mallous. Augostina can be reached at am6521@columbia.edu.
  • Committee met last week
  • Got in touch with the Community Food Bank
    • Options for service initiatives:
      • Pantry distribution: Tuesdays and Wednesdays 9 am to 12:30 pm and 12 pm to 4 pm and Thursdays 11:30 am to 3:30 pm and 3 pm to 6:30 pm
      • Community meal service: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 3:30 pm to 6:30 pm